What is a Blog Tour and how does it work?
For some time now, the self-publishing world has been buzzing with word of a new promotional vehicle, the Blog Tour. To understand exactly what this is and how it works, […]
For some time now, the self-publishing world has been buzzing with word of a new promotional vehicle, the Blog Tour. To understand exactly what this is and how it works, […]
In the first part of this article, I shared a little of my own limited experience in the world of Indie-publishing and explained how, no matter how good your book […]
This is the first of a 2-part article. In part 2 I will share the results of my Author Survey, posted 2 weeks ago. So, for many months if not […]
Since publishing my first book in June this year, I’m interested to learn how my fellow authors are finding this strange world of indie publishing into which I am […]