Connected Audio Book now available on Audible.com
Following my post a couple of weeks ago about the recording process for the audio book version of Connected, I am delighted to announce that the finished product is now […]
Following my post a couple of weeks ago about the recording process for the audio book version of Connected, I am delighted to announce that the finished product is now […]
Today on Facebook, an old school friend shared the above video, in which the late British philosopher, Alan Watts, in a gentle, fatherly and wonderfully mellifluous tone, makes a strong case for pursuing whatever activity […]
In part 1 of this essay, we looked briefly at the history of music and at possible explanations for its universal appeal. Today, I want to discuss three recent pieces of […]
Music seems to have a been a part of human culture since the beginning of culture itself. Earlier this year, researchers excavating caves in southern Germany found ancient flutes carved […]
Like many début authors, I didn’t really think too hard about the genre of my first book until I’d finished writing it. And looking back, with large parts of the story seemingly writing themselves, I’m not […]
This is the first of a 2-part article. In part 2 I will share the results of my Author Survey, posted 2 weeks ago. So, for many months if not […]
I published my first novel, Connected, in June 2012 on Amazon. As a launch promotion, I offered it free for the first five days, during which, to my great surprise, […]